Introducing the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Toolkit for Consultants to Grantmakers

June 12, 2019 – While the field of philanthropy has been devoting more and more energy toward work in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), there has been less focus on ways philanthropy consultants can and do support grantmakers in their advancement of DEI.

NNCG has been working diligently to fill in this gap with the creation of The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Toolkit for Consultants to Grantmakers. The DEI toolkit was designed to help philanthropy consultants guide organizations toward a greater awareness of DEI issues.

NNCG’s network of consultants provided their preferred, go-to resources that focus on DEI and it was compiled into the first section of the toolkit. These DEI resources highlight areas where grantmakers often use consultants for support and guidance, such as developing grantmaking priorities, cultivating strong relationships with grantees and community partners, and leveraging research, evaluation, and data as a tool for learning and impact.

The second part of the toolkit highlights specific perspectives from the field — sharing real life examples of how consultants have effectively partnered with philanthropy clients to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion. These case studies capture the heart of DEI, giving insights and advice in navigating the challenges of this crucial work.

For those consulting for core practices without a focus on DEI, this is still a vital tool to have in your repertoire. Philanthropy consultants should always be aware of and recognize when their clients are struggling with a DEI related issue, and be readily able to find the resources they require.

With the DEI toolkit, all philanthropy consultants will be able to assist their clients in looking at every issue through a DEI lens. With the overwhelming volume of DEI research and analysis available, this toolkit is an excellent jumping-off point to start a continuous journey in exploring diversity, equity, and inclusion. That’s why this primer– specifically developed for philanthropy consultants – highlights key resources recommended by leading experts whose work focuses on DEI impact, as well as issues such as racial and gender justice, intersectionality, LGBTQ+ rights, and empowerment for people with disabilities.With valuable insight from trusted philanthropy consultants including Kris Putnam-Walkerly, Riki Wilchins, Marcus Littles and Catherine Hyde Townsend, the DEI toolkit is an outstanding resource that encourages philanthropy consultants and their clients to focus on the rising complexities of diversity, equity and inclusion. Download it for free today!
