Values-Aligned Philanthropy: Preventing the Philanthropic Funding of Hate

22may1:00 pm2:00 pmValues-Aligned Philanthropy: Preventing the Philanthropic Funding of Hate[Webinar]

Event Details

Join this webinar to learn about the philanthropic sector’s work to ensure philanthropic dollars do not inadvertently reach hate or extremist organizations. This webinar will address efforts to prevent hate funding, including the Council on Foundations’ Values-Aligned Philanthropy initiative. We will discuss common challenges and misconceptions, success stories, and existing resources. You will also have the chance to ask questions and make suggestions for additional resources. 

Registration for NNCG Members Registration for Non-Members

Speaker: Nidale Zouhir, Government Affairs Manager – Council on Foundations

A Note on NNCG’s Webinars and Events:

NNCG Members: Full and Associate Boost Members: Free | Associate Members: $25

Non-Members: $55.00 (+$2.00 credit card processing fee); Non-members and guests will be directed to an event registration form.

Cancellation Policy: We know that things change. Webinar cancellations are available at least 24 hours before the start of the event for the cost of the webinar, exclusive of processing fees.



May 22, 2024 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern Time(GMT-04:00)